This animated music video for Yonen’s ‘Tokyo’ was painstakingly created by Ross Ryder and Joey Breslin in the Algorithm Studio over the course of 7 Months.
To create what amounted to a short film, for the 7 minute track.
Created in Maya using a minimal approach to 3D design and materials, the story follows a human-like android, Podrig, through a futuristic, winding landscape full of twists and turns.
The animated narrative paired with the song creates something beyond a music video, leaving you rooting for the main character on their journey across a techno-psychedelic landscape.
This animated music video for Yonen’s ‘Tokyo’ was painstakingly created by Ross Ryder and Joey Breslin in the Algorithm Studio over the course of 7 Months.
To create what amounted to a short film, for the 7 minute track.
Created in Maya using a minimal approach to 3D design and materials, the story follows a human-like android, Podrig, through a futuristic, winding landscape full of twists and turns.
The animated narrative paired with the song creates something beyond a music video, leaving you rooting for the main character on their journey across a techno-psychedelic landscape.